
This documentation is built using Sphinx and RestructuredText

RestructuredText is similar to Markdown, but adds some extra bells and whistles that allow for much easier building of structured documentation.

In order to properly contribute to the documentation project you will need to install some additional software.

Installing Documentation

The documentation can be installed from github.


git clone zen-docs

This will clone the documentation into a directory called zen-docs, you can of course change the directory name the documentation is cloned into.

Installing Sphinx

Please see the Sphinx Documentation for installing the software on your computer.

Building Documentation

After editing any files you want to add/change , you will need to run Sphinx to rebuild the documentation.

You will first need to change into the directory where the documentation is stored, i.e. the directory used in the git clone command.

From the command line you should then run make clean html

This will build the documentation in the _build/html directory, and you can open the index.html file in this directory to preview the documentation.
